CGView - Circular Genome Viewer
CGView XML - legend element
XML - legend element
The legend element (along with the legendItem element), is used to describe map legends. The legend element can contain any number of legendItem elements. The legend element is a child of the cgview element.

The following sample CGView document shows how the legend element can be used to add text to a map:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <cgview backboneRadius="160" sequenceLength="50000" height="600" width="600"> <featureSlot strand="direct"> <feature color="green" decoration="clockwise-arrow" label="T7"> <featureRange start="21650" stop="21700" /> </feature> <feature color="red" decoration="arc" label="SV40"> <featureRange start="40000" stop="40050" /> </feature> </featureSlot> <legend position="upper-center"> <legendItem text="A legend" font="Monospaced,plain,20" textAlignment="center" /> </legend> <legend position="upper-right" font="SansSerif,plain,20"> <legendItem text="Promoter" drawSwatch="true" swatchColor="green" /> <legendItem text="Terminator" drawSwatch="true" swatchColor="red" /> </legend> <legend position="lower-left"> <legendItem text="Another legend" font="Serif, bold, 20" fontColor="purple" /> </legend> <legend position="lower-right"> <legendItem text="Created using CGView" font="SansSerif,bold-italic,20" /> </legend> </cgview>

This is the map generated by the above document:

output of above document

Required legend attributes
Attribute Description Values
- - -
Optional legend attributes
Attribute Description Values Default value
allowLabelClash Specifies whether or not feature labels should be drawn when they clash with this legend. true - feature labels should be drawn when they clash with this legend.
false - feature labels should not be drawn when they clash with this legend.
backgroundColor Sets the background color of this legend. color Inherited from the backgroundColor attribute of the parent cgview element.
backgroundOpacity Sets the opacity of the background of this legend. real between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 being completely transparent. 1.0
drawWhenZoomed Specifies whether or not this legend should be drawn when zoomed maps are generated. true - this legend should be drawn when a zoomed map is generated.
false - this legend should not be drawn when a zoomed map is generated.
font Sets the font used for the text in this legend. legendItem elements can override this setting using their own font attribute. font SansSerif, plain, 8
fontColor Sets the color of the text used for this legend. legendItem elements can override this setting using their own fontColor attribute. color black
position Specifies where this legend should be placed on the map canvas. upper-left
textAlignment Specifies how text should be aligned inside this legend. legendItem elements can override this setting using their own textAlignment attribute. left - text should be aligned to the left.
center - text should be aligned to the center.
right - text should be aligned to the right.

color = the color name (black for example), or the RGB values for the color (rgb(0,255,0) for example). The following color names are supported: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray (and grey), green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

font = the name of the font, followed by the style, and then the size. An example font is Monospaced, bold, 50. Valid font names are: Default, Dialog, DialogInput, Monospaced, Serif, and SansSerif. Valid styles are: plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic.

integer = a whole number between -2,147,483,648 and +2,147,483,647.

real = a real number between 1.4e-45 and 3.4e+38.

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